95 LUXURY HOTEL STAYS Our comprehensive hotel programme is the perfect option to enrich your explorations. Through our extensive partnerships with leading hoteliers around the globe, we can arrange bespoke accommodations in and around our port destination cities for any duration, room category or cultural experience. TRUSTED TRANSFERS Worry-free group and private transfers can be arranged between the airport and pier or between the pier and the hotel on days of either embarkation or disembarkation. SEAMLESS LUGGAGE HANDLING For the ultimate ease of travel, our luggage valet programme allows you to ship your travel cases directly from your front door and have them waiting for you at your suite onboard the ship and vice versa. AIR TRANSFERS Allow us to schedule and reserve your flights to ensure an effortless coordination of your travels. Because we maintain stellar relationships with most major global airlines, we can ensure the best possible fares, schedules and choice of class that dovetails comfortably with your journey. Our expert hosts are available to assist with all your planning needs so you can enjoy a care-free experience. PRIVATE AIR TRANSFERS For the ultimate ease of travel, Privacy, flexibility and simplicity are the key reasons to choose our private flight arrangements. Our expert hosts can help you choose from a significant range of aircraft solutions to fit the personalised travel needs for couples, a mid-sized family, or a larger group of friends and family. We complete our service with home-to-ship transfers and seamless luggage handling for the utmost in safe and convenient travel. COMING SOON Whether on ship or on shore, Explora Journeys guides every step of your journey so you enjoy the same level of personalised service from beginning to end. BACK TO CONTENTS