Scenic Eclipse 2023 - 2024

Dubbed heaven on earth bymany, Polynesia and the Pacific spans a quarter of the globe and encompasses around 40,000 islands. Home to some of themost isolated communities in the world, there is a distinct traditional way of life across the region. While a long history of voyaging andEuropean colonisation has brought with it a mix of cultural influences:Melanesian, Polynesian,Micronesian Spanish, Indian andFrench. No two islands are alike culturally, with a diverse natural beauty. The volcanic terrain of Tonga’s Hunga Island, the Isle of Pines’ endemic pine trees that line the white beaches andFiji’s crescent-shapedFulanga Island that hides within it a crystalline lagoon are just some of the incredible landscapes you canwitness on board your luxury Scenic Eclipse voyage. POLYNESIA & THE PACIFIC ISLANDS Hanga Roa (Easter Island) S 27° 08’ W 109° 25’ The Pacific Islands Postcard-perfect in every way, the Pacific Islands are considered the jewel of the region for its pristine waters, white beaches, turquoise lagoons, pockets of rainforest and caves, and signature pine trees. French Polynesian Archipelago The islands of French Polynesia offer a delightful blend of Polynesian and French culture. Here, expect strong cultural heritage, pink-sand beaches, crystal lagoons, spectacular moss-green peaks and two extinct volcanoes. New Zealand In contrast to the region’s lush tropical idyll, Great Barrier Island is a rugged, isolated wilderness, where nature and stunning starfilled nights reign supreme. Whilst the Bay of Islands combines spectacular scenery with a richMaori and European heritage. Remote Chilean Islands The far reaches of the Pacific reveals the tiny island of Robinson Crusoe, a small volcanic isle boasting endemic flora and fauna akin to that of the Galapagos, as well as Easter Island, known for its mysterious moai statues made of volcanic stone. Scenic° 109 Scenic Eclipse 108 Scenic°